A Photograph
- In this poem, the poet reflects on an old photograph of her mother and two cousins at the beach.
- The photograph captures the moment when the poet's mother, the eldest among them, stood with her cousins, all smiling at the camera held by an uncle.
- The poet describes her mother's youthful and sweet face, a memory from before the poet's birth.
- The sea in the photograph seems unchanging, in contrast to the passage of time.
- Time has passed, perhaps 20 or 30 years, since the photo was taken.
- The poet's mother used to laugh at the snapshot and reminisce about Betty and Dolly, her cousins.
- The sea holiday represented in the photo held special memories for the mother.
- The poet's present is marked by the memory of her mother's laughter when looking at the photo.
- The poem explores the themes of time's passage and the poignant feeling of loss.
- It concludes with a sense of deep silence, signifying the indescribable nature of time's passage and the loss of loved ones.
- Transient: Lasting for only a short time.
- Poignant: Evoking a keen sense of sadness or regret.
- Laboured: Involving much effort and difficulty.
- Circumstance: A fact or condition connected with or relevant to an event or action.
- Silences: The absence of sound or noise; stillness.